Saturday, August 29, 2009

Good News for Challenging Times

In his message of August 11 President/Superintendent Oakley described the many programs that have been affected by the state budget catastrophe and the impact that is being felt by the campus community. It’s a sobering, disheartening picture, but despite all the foreboding, the processes and inherent rewards of teaching and learning will continue. We in the library are especially thankful to be able to offer our student, staff and faculty customers some good news for the year ahead.

• We are extremely fortunate that both campuses now are equipped with beautiful, updated and welcoming library buildings; they have the infrastructure, the connectivity, and the range of information resources that can serve everyone’s research needs
• The library is working to maintain service hours in the face of eroding support; students can depend on us for a spacious, comfortable place to study that’s available when they need it
• We welcome new adjunct librarians join our staff this fall bringing with them the enthusiasm, energy, and fresh perspectives of new graduates
• Though support for buying new books always is uncertain, the campus can depend on the library to continue to provide an excellent array of web-based reference tools and to make them available to its customers anytime and anywhere from any web-enabled computer

Transcending all of these positives, though, is the commitment of the library and its faculty, staff, and student employees to service excellence. Whether it’s in the classroom, at the reference desk, at the check-out counter, or behind the scenes where materials are ordered and cataloged, the library’s people make the crucial difference that will sustain us all through tenuous times into recovery.

For more information contact: Dele Ukwu, Library Department Head

Library Update #66

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