Monday, January 26, 2009

Changes at CSULB Library: Good News for LBCC Users

The University Library at CSU Long Beach begins its spring term on Monday, February 26. For nearly a decade a partnership agreement has enabled LBCC students, staff, and faculty to borrow books, DVD’s, audiobooks, and CD’s at CSULB using their current validated College ID card.

Database Use Requires a Guest Pass
Until now to use any of the more than 160 subscription databases that CSULB Library subscribes to (including PsycInfo, Lexis Nexis Academic, Factiva, MLA Bibliography, and JSTOR) members of the LBCC community (students, staff and faculty) have had to apply at the reception desk for a “computer guest pass” and their library database access was limited to just one hour in each 24 hour period.

Guest Pass Time Limit Extended
Guests now can make better use of their time at CSULB Library because database access time has just increased to 90 minutes. Although CSULB library has more than 200 workstations for public use in the library’s new Spidell Technology Center, there is tremendous demand for access from CSULB students (who are allocated four hours of computing time per session); that’s the reason for the limits on use by visitors. “We know that it takes a student time to become familiar with a new database before he or she can start finding and retrieving needed information, said Roman Kochan, Dean of Library Services at CSULB. “By increasing the guest pass time by 50% we hope to make database use a little less stressful for our visiting scholars.”

The Library’s Open Earlier on Weekdays
Also new at CSULB Library is an increase in building hours. The library now will open at 7 a.m. (instead of 7:45) Monday through Friday. For a complete schedule of hours for the spring term see

For more information contact: Henry DuBois.

Library Update #60

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