Live near CSULB? Need a book, CD, or DVD you can’t locate at LBCC or your local public library? Don’t have the time to get the book you need through Interlibrary Loan? You should know that for the past several years LBCC Library and CSULB have had a partnership agreement in effect. What does this mean for you and your students?
* You can use and borrow books and media from CSULB Library (a collection of over 1.4 million items) as though you were a student, faculty, or staff at that campus
* Loan periods are:
o Books, 120 days for faculty and staff, 3 weeks for students
o Media (CD’s, DVD’s, Videos) , 7 days for faculty, staff, and students
* Not included are items on reserve and periodicals; library computers and databases are restricted to one hour use per 24 hour period and require separate registration
* It is the borrower’s responsibility to return books and media to CSULB — there’s no courier service between campuses
For more information contact: Nenita Buenaventura, Access Services Librarian at nbuenaventura@lbcc.edu.
Library Update #52
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