Many people are asking about the current whereabouts of programs and departments formerly located in Building L. A list of current locations follows:
- Career and Job Placement Center - Building E (College Center), First Floor
- Faculty Professional Development - W107 and W104
- Faculty Resource Center - Trailer TV
- Instructional Technology Student Center - Trailer TT
- Learning Assistance Services - Basement of Building E (College Center)
- Library - Basement of Building E (College Center )
- Library Media and Periodicals - Trailer TU
- Multimedia Equipment Services - Building B, Room 103
- Open Access Computer Lab. - Basement of Building E (College Center)
- Reading Classrooms - Building B, Rooms 301A and 301B
- Reading Program - Trailer TS
Note: Trailers TS, TT, TU, and TV are located in the quad in front of (east of) Building L.